The Holly City Development Corporation (HCDC) shall receive sealed bids at 14 East Mulberry Street, Millville, New Jersey 08332 until 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday, December 4 , 2024, to be publicly opened, and read aloud for:
Bids must be submitted on the standard Bid Proposal form provided by the HCDC in the manner designated and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope bearing the title of the bid, name and address of the Contractor on the outside; addressed to Holly City Development Corporation, LEAD REMEDIATION/MITIAGATION AND NJ CERTIFIED LEAD ABATEMENT and delivered to the above address at the date and time set at the place herein. The Holly City Development Corporation is not responsible for any hand delivered or third party delivered bids that do not arrive at the proper time or location. Any such bid will be returned unopened to the vendor. All documents contained in this package must be returned to the Holly City Development Corporation in their original form. No substitutions, alterations, or modifications of any of the bid documents are permitted.
This bid is being solicited through fair and open process in accordance with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et. Seq. (New Jersey Local Unit Pay-to-Play Law) and shall be in conformance with the applicable requirements of the Local Public Contracts Law, N.J.S.A. 40A:11-1 et seq.
The Contractor will be required to comply with requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:2-1 (Anti-Discrimination in Employment), N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C.17:27 et seq. (Equal Employment Opportunity), 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq. (Americans with Disabilities Act), N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 (New Jersey Business Registration), and N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2 regarding the submission of a list of all Stockholders, Members or Partners owning more than ten percent (10%) stock or interest in their Corporation, Limited Liability Company or Partnership.
All Contractors are placed on notice that they are required to comply with all requirements of P. L. 1975, Chapter 127 and N.J.A.C. 17:27. All Contractors and subcontractors must provide a copy of their State of New Jersey Business Registration Certificate issued by the New Jersey Department of Treasury prior to the time a contract is awarded or authorized. Contractors shall not submit bids with qualifying conditions or provisions.
When required, each proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond, cashier's check or certified check, payable to the Holly City Development Corporation, for ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid (but not to exceed $20,000.00) shall accompany each bid. It shall be subject to forfeiture and retention by the Holly City Development Corporation in lieu of other legal remedies should a successful bidder fail to execute a contract and provide a performance bond within ten (10) days after the Holly City Development Corporation has tendered the award of the contract. The Bid Bond shall be in conformance with N.J.S.A. 40A:11-21.
When required, each proposal must be accompanied by a Consent of Surety Certificate. When required, a surety bond of a company authorized to do business in the State of New Jersey in a form satisfactory to the Holly City Development Corporation Solicitor in a penal sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract will be required upon execution of the contract.
The Holly City Development Corporation reserves the right to reject any or all bids as provided for in the instructions to bidders or otherwise.
The Holly City Development Corporation reserves the right to consider the bids for sixty (60) days after receipt thereof, and further reserves the right to reject all bids, waive minor informalities, in accordance with applicable law.
Pursuant to P.L. 2021, c. 301, all Contractors are hereby notified that which this contract is for a public work subject to the provisions at N.J.S.A. 34:1156.25 et seq., the New Jersey Prevailing Wage Act (PWA), and accordingly, the person or entity who makes the lowest bid for the contract by at least 10 percent under the amount of the next lowest bid shall, prior to award of the contract, be required to certify to the public body on a form prescribed by the Commissioner of the Department (Commissioner) that the prevailing wage rates required by the PWA shall be paid in performing the work under the contract. Further, if this bidder does not provide the certification on the form prescribed by the Commissioner prior to the award of the contract, the Authority shall award the contract to the next lowest responsible and responsive bidder.
ln order to encourage full participation in this opportunity, submit any requests for accommodations of people with disabilities to the Holly City Development Corporation. People who are deaf, hard of hearing and/or speech impaired should access this service by contacting the NJ Relay Service at 1-800-852-7899-(TTY).
Heather Santoro, Executive Director