Small Business
Loans and Grants

Business Development Funding Provided by Holly City Development Corporation
Small Business Loans
Holly City Development Corporation (HCDC) has created a small business loan program that targets small business startups and expansions in Millville’s Center City Neighborhood.
Businesses can borrow up to $50,000 depending upon the project and business. Funds may be used for inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment, new construction, site improvements, renovations and working capital. The funds cannot be used to refinance existing debt.
Completed applications may be mailed to the Holly City Development Corporation office at 14 E. Mulberry Street or emailed to or
Small Business Grants
HCDC will provide small business grant assistance funding, for needed public-facing exterior (façade) repairs, interior building improvements, and equipment purchase, to eligible businesses in Millville’s Center City Neighborhood. Businesses must meet Basic Eligibility Requirements. Assistance is available, on a first come first serve basis, until program funding is exhausted.
The Small Business Grant Program will assist eligible businesses with up to $10,000 worth of building improvements and capital expenditures in the Center City Neighborhood. The application should be completed by any business interested in the grant funding. Funding will be released, upon completed application and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Eligible improvements include:
Exterior façade improvements
Interior building improvements
Improvements that bring the building up to code
Commercial equipment purchases
Completed applications may be mailed to the Holly City Development Corporation office at 14 E. Mulberry Street or emailed to or